Sunday, April 22, 2007

Eeeeee! We have a bathroom!!!

It's been a long time coming, but our bathroom was finally brought to working order yesterday! New toilet, sink and refurbished clawfoot (original to our house) were all installed and look just great in our new "old" bathroom. So last night, the girls took the first bath in the ol' tub and loved it. We let Elsa go nuts for a while, then layed Lyla in for a quick dip with Big Sister.

Miss E taking her first soak...

The girls in there together...Elsa LOVED having Ly in there with her.

More Day to Day...

Lyla is growing sooo fast!

Grandma Rogers bought Elsa some new rubber boots, which she calls her "Puddle Boots". So now her favorite thing to do is go out after a rain shower and find the biggest, muddiest puddle to stomp in. And we let her...

So here in this photo, she has on her new boots (on backwards, of course), her pajama shirt that she pulled over her regular shirt, no pants, and she's helping me sweep the kitchen.

The girls...

Just love Ly in her little birdy overalls!

Daddy and Elsa taking a break from bike riding on our front steps.

Monday, April 16, 2007

Snuggle Puppy

We have a book titled "Snuggle Puppy" that Elsa much so that she has memorized it. (Well, close enough anyway!) She actually let me film her doing this at naptime today. Take a listen!

Tuesday, April 10, 2007


Grama and Grampa Rogers invited everyone out for an easter egg hunt and lunch. What a beautiful, sunny morning!

And she's off!

The 3 cousins had so much many eggs, such little baskets!

Lyla slept though the entire thing...

Elsa chasing Zion, the llama.

Daddy and Elsa strolling in the pasture. He taught her the term "cow pie". I figure that's a pretty important lesson to be learned.

Day to Day at Home

Lyla and Daddy having a snug.

Still loving bath time...but nearly out-growing the tub!

Giggling with her new little stuffed llama, a gift from my uncle and aunt.

Haven't dyed eggs since I was a kid...

Note to self: A 2-year-old isn't quite ready to dye easter eggs! (at least not without making a big, big mess..)

A Few Spring Days at the Ranch

I decided spur-of-the-moment to take the girls to the ranch for a visit and to go to my cousin's baby shower.

What a gorgeous day!

Pink tulips and a chippy-paint bizarre idea of beauty.

Elsa in the hay wagon with her daffodile (she nearly cleaned Susan's flower bed out by the time we left!).

Gorgeous red tulips a-la-Susan.

Susan and Elsa feeding the pheasants their wheat treat.

Lyla and the Birthday Boy after our celebratory feast.

Elsa picked this hat out of Dad's stash in the back porch. She wore it in the car when we left, and fell asleep with it on. Eventually it fell clear over her eyes....a cute vision in the rear-view-mirror.

Fishing in the Coast Range

Scotter wanted to take us to a special river he discovered up in the coast range. We did a little fishing and had a picnic with the girls. What a beautiful drive and what gorgeous trees, moss, waterfalls....

We saw a huge bald eagle trying to dry his feathers out..all fluffed up on a tree limb.

Enjoying a picnic on the tail gate. Elsa took full advantage of the opportunity to eat chips and drink "bubble drink".

Munch mouth...

A neat old mossy tree...

Elsa helping Daddy drive on the gravel road.