Wednesday, December 17, 2008

December Fun

The girls were keeping busy today with the watercolors...stuck inside 'cause baby it's cold outside!

We made our first snowman. The snow is still really fluffy and won't pack so we had to pack little buckets of snow and do it "sandcastle style". Baby carrot for a nose, and I tried the "blush" trick with a spraybottle of red-colored water. Elsa named her "EMILY".

This is Ly's first snow where she's conscious of it. She was so cute examining how it fell through her gloves.

Elsa was having such fun. She swung in the tree swing with Grampa Rogers, made a snow angel, ate her icicle, and played with the sled. What a day to be a kid!

Pulled Ly around the house on the old Westersund Family Sled...

Our apple tree out front looked like it was decorated with red ball ornaments in the snow. One of my favorite winter sites.

Well, well, well...look who turned 4!!! By this point in the party she had stripped down and re-dressed in a dress up dress. are you 2 already??! Boy, does this girl love "choc-at"!

My aunt Gail made each of the girls a little cheerleading dress up outfit...complete with pom-poms and megaphones. Of course they think that is just too much fun!

Elsa switched into her new yellow horse tu-tu and was working on the gingerbread man sticker project. The "theme" of their birthday this year was gingerbread man...she's into that story right now.

Working on some sparkle playdough cookies with her friends...

Sometimes your kids just have a moment of cute. I try and catch some of this one so that I never forget what it is like to look in the back seat and see this looking back.

The quail have been busy in the back yard. There they are- between the tree and the garden shed. We've counted up to 40 of them together. They are hilarious right now, dragging their little birdy bellies through the snow...hurry! hurry! hurry!

A better, but blurry, shot of them out the window.

Santa...Ly wanted NOTHING to do with sitting on his lap. Elsa was a seasoned pro, and asked for a candycane for Christmas.